i guess we can see who the mature one here is ::cough:: jajajaja ::cough::...but i guess when ur 12 and ur waiting for ur balls to drop u might as well copy and paste the same thing over and over again
i guess we can see who the mature one here is ::cough:: jajajaja ::cough::...but i guess when ur 12 and ur waiting for ur balls to drop u might as well copy and paste the same thing over and over again
hm....the graphics and animation were extremely nice..probably the best ive ever seen here at newgrounds...the plot however...um, yeah..i didnt really understand what the hell was going on with those mermaid things...
even if it is a little short do to technical difficulties i do think its one of the better movies on ng...im surprised this didn't get a better score than a 2.7, the sound was fine except for that one part and the graphics were great
uh...was it just me or did the sound on this get extremely annoying...especially when the freaks started singing happy birthday...::shudders:: i still have nightmares...even tho i just watched it 30 sec ago
um...well...that was certainly different...im still confused about how this made the front page tho...the graphics sucked and the whole plot was..well...complete shit...try and put in some original artwork and smooth out the animation and u might have something decent...
i guess the graphics were ok....but....uh yeah.....it was kinda lame if u ask me
ur dumb
it sucked so bad i just had to laugh....o and by the way....u might wanna do a spell check the next time u make a movie....u forgot the k in "sk8ing" on the loader....just thought id let u no
well one way to shorten the file sizes is to cut down ur sounds.....if u have a sound editing program just hack off all the extra stuff u dont need and that shaves a lot off the final size...if u dont have a sound editing thinga majiger then ur stuck
im a loser
Age 35, Male
where am i
a box
Joined on 12/18/01